Auction Definitions

What is Auction?

The Annunciation Live & Silent Auction takes place every May at the school and is the largest fundraiser of the year.  The evening begins with a silent auction in the gymnasium.  This is your opportunity to mingle with guests and bid on items donated by local businesses and our generous Annunciation community.  After the silent auction closes, guests move upstairs to the auditorium for a sit-down dinner and socializing with friends.  As dinner winds down the live auction will begin with an auctioneer and our own Jimmy Dunn as the night’s MC. The evening wraps up with music, dancing and fun!

What is Father Jim’s Wallet?

Father Jim’s Wallet is a long standing auction tradition at Annunciation.  In past years, Father Jim has walked around the night of auction collecting donations (cash, gift cards, tickets, etc.) from attendees in his wallet—a bowling bag.  Then during the live auction, Father Jim’s Wallet and all of its “unknown contents” are auctioned off to the highest bidder.

This year we are changing things up a bit and adding a NYC twist to this fun tradition. Instead of Father Jim’s Wallet, we present Father Jim’s “Grid- Lock”.  Oh no, Father Jim has been pick-pocketed on the streets of New York City!  Now’s your chance to win everything that was in his wallet.  Purchase a “Grid-Lock” raffle square (or as many as you like) for $10 each during the silent auction.  Before the live auction, one square will be randomly drawn and the lucky winner will receive all of the contents of Father’s Jim’s pick-pocketed wallet.  In year’s past Father Jim’s Wallet has contained over $1,000 in cash and prizes.  Don’t miss your chance—buy a “Grid” raffle square on auction night! 

Looking to donate to Father Jim’s “Grid-Lock”?  There are various ways to donate to this fun raffle.  The easiest way is to drop off a donation at the school office.  Otherwise, Father Jim’s Wallet will be at various Annunciation events leading up to the auction or drop in a donation on auction night.  The more donations we receive the greater the prize on auction night.  Help us make Father Jim’s Wallet a pick-pocketer’s delight!  Drop off cash, gift cards, tickets, etc!

What are Classroom Baskets?

Over the next few months we will begin collecting monetary donations from school families to be distributed to the baskets.  Each grade is assigned a theme for their basket.  With the collected monetary donations, goodies pertaining to each theme are purchased to fill each grade’s basket.  At the silent auction you may bid on any of the nine Classroom Baskets.

What is the Student Raffle?

The Student Raffle is a way for the children to be involved in the auction and help support their great school.  Soon students will receive an envelope with information about the raffle and their five tickets to sell.  Our school goal this year is to sell 2,190 tickets—that’s each student selling five tickets.  The more tickets the children sell the greater the prize on auction night.  If your child wishes to sell more than five tickets, you may pick up additional tickets at the office.  A Student Raffle Thermometer will be placed by the office so stop by to see how many tickets have been sold and the current prize level.  The children also earn prizes for obtaining their goals.

What is the Wall of Wine?

The Wall of Wine is a two-part event at the auction.  We start building the Wall of Wine now by collecting bottles of wine donated by school families.  It’s easy—buy any bottle of wine and donate it to the school.  Then at the silent auction visit the Wall of Wine for your chance to win.  For $20 you earn a random pick of a mystery bottle of wine from the donated bottles.  You may win a $20 bottle of wine or you may win the bottle valued at $200.  After the silent auction,  the Wall of Wine leftovers are auctioned off in bulk during the live event.  The winner takes home all of the remaining bottles. Check the website over the next few months for more information on upcoming wine sale events at South Lyndale Liquors.  This is a great time to stock up for yourself and buy a donation for the school.

What is Heads or Tails?

Heads or Tails is a fun game played during the live auction in the auditorium.  On auction night you will have the chance to purchase beaded necklaces for $20 each.  In order to play Heads or Tails you need to have purchased at least one strand of beads.  The game is played as follows.  A coin will be flipped but prior to that you need to choose “heads” or “tails”. If you think the coin will land on heads, put your hands on your head.  If you think the coin will be tails, put your hands on your tail.  The coin will be flipped and if your selection is correct you continue on to the next round.  If you are wrong you lose a strand of beads.  Once you have run out of beads—you’re out.  The prize is $1,000 cash so be sure to purchase your beads at any time during the night up until the game begins.

What is Fund-A-Need?

In January of each school year, the School Board solicits from the Annunciation Community proposals for projects or initiatives they deem important to the development and advancement of our school.  The proposals can be anything from new carpet in classrooms to iPads, or even teacher bonuses.  Once the proposals are collected, the board sends out a survey to the parents for them to prioritize, in their opinion, the proposals by greatest need for the school.  The results are collected and analyzed and then one proposal is selected by the board as the Fund-A-Need initiative.  At the end of the Live Auction, bids are collected for Fund-A-Need in various increments. Stay tuned for more information on the selected Fund-A-Need for New York City 2014.